How to Help Change Things for the Better
If you’ve gone through the process of claiming Universal Credit, then you know how the social security system works, and probably have ideas for how it could be made better.
Your experience and knowledge are really valuable and important. Which is why some organisations who want to improve the benefits system are looking to work with people like you. Your lived experiences of Universal Credit brings expertise about what life is really like and can input into recommendations to change the system for the better.
If you are interested in contributing to campaigns which seek to improve the benefits system, then please take a look at some suggestions for getting involved below.
Write to your Local MP or local representative
You don’t have to be an to be an expert on the issue to write to your MP, MLA, MSP or MS (depending on where you live), you just need to show them you care about the issue. The purpose of writing is to try influence the elected representative in your local area.
For more information on how to write to your elected officials go to: theyworkforyou.com
APLE Collective
The APLE Collective is a national collective of individuals who experience poverty. They work collaboratively with organisations that take positive action to eradicate poverty.
For more information on the campaigns they are currently involved in, and the organisations they work with, see here: https://www.aplecollective.com/
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)
Child Poverty Action Group works to understand what causes poverty, the impact it has on children’s lives, and how it can be permanently eradicated. CPAG also campaign for policies that will prevent and solve poverty for good.
For more information on what they are doing and how you can help, see here: https://cpag.org.uk/policy-and-campaigns/campaigns
Join Unite Community
Unite Community is trade union organisation which runs campaigns across Britain and Ireland. Unite members campaign for a fairer social security system for all. They want a benefit system which works to end poverty and allows claimants to live with dignity. As of September 2021, Unite Community campaigns are currently focused on three immediate demands:
· End the five-week wait for payment
· Make the temporary £20 per week extra permanent and give to ALL existing benefit claimants
· Stop Benefit Sanctions
To find out more on how you can get involved, contact your local community branch and/or email community@unitetheunion.org.uk
More information on how you can get involved can be found here: https://www.unitetheunion.org/campaigns/unite-community-campaign-for-a-fairer-social-security-system-for-all/
More information on what is currently going on in your region can be found here: https://www.unitetheunion.org/what-we-do/unite-in-your-region/
Get involved at the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre (DUWC)
Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centres were formed out of the Trade Union movement. They encourage all people, in or out of work, to join a union. Although they are based in the Derbyshire area, this does not necessarily mean that you have to live locally to get involved. DUWC require people with lived experiences to help with a range of activities around their campaigns:
“We need help from all those who share our aims to bring about full employment and an income that gives dignity to those not in work. Whatever your talents, get in touch! We need help in a variety of ways and to suit the time you have to spare. From leafletting, helping with research, to telephone work and social media – we need your input. Most of all we need your ideas and your contribution born from experience. Get in touch and join the team.”
For more information on how you can get involved, see: https://www.duwc.org.uk/change-the-world/